Anti-Bullying Campaign 


In the bustle of everyday life parents often lose touch and focus on the complexities of their children’s lives. Parents only know as much as they are told.


Remind parents to check in with their children because sometimes bullying isn’t that obvious. Emphasizing that you don't see it until you can't unsee it. 

Highlight letters within pre-existing bus stop names to demonstrate hidden insults or negative words

Transit Shelters

People don't often look up within bus shelters, this graphic helps to represent the sheer mass of students who are dealing with bullying within our own province. Not obvious, but a fact of reality around us. 

Sketching The Line

Sketching The Line is an initiative for artists to get their work featured in the TTC. This could be used as an opportunity to commission artwork with hidden bullying to raise awareness about PrevNet. Images will include teenagers and children falling victim to bullying.

Ideated with Max Perone 

Using Format