Toastmasters Public Speaking Club


Only 5.4% of Toastmasters members are 18-24, an age range where confidence matters. 


Remind young adults in unexpected ways confidence comes from within. 

Alcohol Free Beer Partnership

People often turn to alcohol to take the edge off in social gatherings, with Toastmasters there's no need for liquid courage when you can speak confidently.


Change rooms are spaces for self-evaluation and stipulation so why not remind the consumer that confidence doesn’t have to be a fragile state but instead something that is found inside. This can be hyper-targeted to stores that fit our demographic. 

Headspace Meditation App

Toastmasters wants to uplift all of its members to find their voice and their calm! Aligning with a wellness brand solidifies Toastmasters as a trusted, safe space to learn and grow. 

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